Monday, May 18, 2009

Our Experiment!

Setting up our experiment

For our inquiry unit investigating the ways we look after our planet. As part o this we are carrying out a bury it investigation. In two large tubs outside our classroom we have buried five samples each of paper lunch wrap, gladwrap, tinfoil and apple. We are investigating how these things break down and compost over time. Today we dug up our first samples after they had been buried for a week. Here is what they look like.

The changes that we noticed were that the apple had turned yellow and that the

paper lunchwrap had become weak so Sally easily accidentally tore it.

Which one do you think will compost the fastest. Leave us a comment and let us know!


  1. Wow! This is very exciting to look at. I will have to bring my class to have a look tomorrow. The photos are great. Ms F

  2. Great that you have started your experiment Room 12!
    It is so great that you can already see changes, even after only a week!
    I think that the apple will break down or compost the quickest. I'll keep checking out your blog each week to see if I'm right!!!



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