Monday, September 14, 2009


Today Sally told us all to bring along our favourite teddy for Maths. We have just started a topic on measurement and today we were learning all about length and the keywords short and tall. To begin with we got in small groups and we had to arrange our teddies from shortest to tallest. Some of the groups really had to think carefully and use their co-operative skills as some of the teddies were about the same height. After this we had to measure our teddy bears using multilink cubes. Max and Sofie's teddies were the tallest because they were 21 cubes tall. Amber's teddy was the shortest because it was only 5 cubes tall. Tomorrow we are going to measure Sally's huge teddy (he's in the middle of the photo). I wonder how many cubes tall he will be?

Ordering our teddies from shortest to tallest


  1. this blog is very cool because now I know what all the teddies look like.
    From Ali



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